Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Luke Haines and the cellist

I've been making music for quite a few years now, more than I care to think about. All the bands I've been involved with have been guitar based,  you know drums, bass, guitar and usually keyboards. We have always though incorporated some other element into our music, either electronics or 'classic' such as brass and more recently cello. My wife is is the cellist in our band. I was recently lent Luke Haines' essential book Bad Vibes by SA over at Bagging Area (check it out,) in which the cellist is referred to as the cellist throughout due to his perceived mercenary ways. I have long had a parallel (not the right word, more like the antithesis of..) career with Luke Haines ( him being successful and critically acclaimed and did I mention successful? And me being, er you know not). I have been aware of him since his Auteurs days. I worked with an school friend of his who also knew ousted band mate Glen Collins.  I have fond memories of Glen coming to stay at my flat attending a party with him and a bunch of Auteurs groupies!!?? Hey it was the most uninteresting party I've ever been to I wasn't a 'pop star' and arrived too late for the mushrooms, which made it possibly more surreal than if I had been on mushrooms. I attended this party in a marathon party session for me, I lived in Sheffield and managed to go out in Sheffield, Leeds, Newcastle, Edinburgh, Perth and Manchester in subsequent nights, I aimed to make it to Nottingham to make a full seven, but the groupie party  killed me off really. Obviously the cellist was not on the scene at this time. Anyway I digress with my tales of hedonism and name dropping. however my friends tales of Luke Haines' strange ways, which I actually found compelling and interesting. Whilst reading Bad Vibes I realised I wish I'd known this man he appears to have similar outlook to me and although his music is nothing like mine there is common ground. One day I hope to meet him become his friend and confidant. If he reads this he may start to worry, thats the problem with the internet these strange fixations used to stay private.


  1. Good post H. Time to start tracking him down I think

  2. What, incidentally where Auteurs groupies like?

  3. your imagination is probably more interesting (choosing my words carefully) than the reality!
    And remember my memory is probably more interesting than the reality.
